Opening up to others – Daily Devotional

April 17, 2007

Opening up to others
by Jon Walker

«Now that I've put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand – shine! Keep open house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you'll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven.» (Matthew 5:16 MSG)

Fellowship — Giggling as he played on the floor with his Aunt Merilee, my young son’s eyes danced with pleasure. Christopher’s laughter was so captivating that Merilee leaned into his face and said with a grin, «I’m going to steal your giggles!»

Without warning, Christopher grabbed Merilee in a baby bear hug and planted a playful kiss on her cheek. Merilee fell back and – guess what – she giggled.

And then she giggled some more.

Finally she said, «Oh, Christopher! I was going to steal your giggles, and you gave them to me instead.»

A lesson in life from a 2-year-old! So often we walk through life thinking we have to steal or earn or grab or protect the objects of the joyful life we see in others.

We listen to worldly voices that urge, «Go for the gusto. You only live once. Grab what you can get.»

Yet from a simple child we can learn that true joy is not taken. It’s given.

Today, instead of stealing giggles, give them away and see how many more come back to you.

So what?

· You bring pleasure – You were made to be a source of pleasure and joy – to God and to others.

· Become a joy dispenser – Laugh loudly and as often as you can. Smile at a stranger. Bless people with your joy. If you don’t have joy, then ask God to guide your heart toward the joy found in Christ.

· Thank God that he is a Father who delights in our enjoyment and loves our laughter. Ask him to increase your joy that you may share it will others.

· «… Be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you'll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven.» (Matthew 5:16 MSG)

© 2007 Jon Walker. All rights reserved.


© 2007 Purpose Driven Life. All rights reserved.


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