Making A Difference In 2008 – Daily Devotional

Making A Difference In 2008
by Jon Walker

The master was full of praise. ‘Well done, my good and faithful servant.’ (Matthew 25:21 NLT)

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God is equipping you to make a difference in his world. Rick Warren teaches that the donation of your life matters more than the duration of your life.

Do you really want your life to be significant in 2008? Then begin investing your time and money into showing people how they can make peace with God. That’s an investment that will make a difference, not for 10 years, or 50 years, or even 1,000 years; it will make a difference for eternity.

Quite honestly, there is nothing more significant you can do with your life. There is no more significant use of your time or resources than to help other human beings learn about Jesus. If you help just one person get into heaven, your life will have been eternally significant.

Charlene, a nurse in the Saddleback Church congregation, says God taught her to give her life to something bigger than just living for herself. «I'm a nurse, and when I heard about the tsunami that struck Indonesia [several years ago], I felt God calling me to help,» she says. «I was nervous because the area we were going to serve in is devoutly Muslim. I wasn't sure how the people would react to us being Christians.

«God gave me so much love for all the people, and we felt the Spirit moving,» says Charlene. «I know seeds were planted, and I believe that someday many of those people will come toknow Christ. God showed me that he would protect and take care of us. It was a wonderful experience. Itmakes me want to give my life to something bigger than just living for myself.»

What does this mean?

· Ask God about the donation of your life – Ask God what he wants your donation to be in the years you have left.

· Believe God wants to use you – You can change the world, one person at a time.

· Question to consider – What do you need to change in your life so you can begin living for godly significance?

© 2007 Jon Walker. All rights reserved.

Devocionales Cristianos